News Archive

Education & Training Catalog Update
Posted on: 2023-10-26

We’ve updated the Education & Training catalog! This major update includes a brand new look, better accessibility features, and more support for mobile devices. Learn more about these updates here
Having issues accessing the new site? Check out this troubleshooting guide. Questions? Reach out to

University Course Support
Posted on: 2021-05-12

The University Course Support resource has newly added the capability to download images and animations from the MetEd lessons. 

COMET welcomes your feedback on the University Course Support Resource: Take the Survey 

Flash Conversion Update
Posted on: 2021-02-10

COMET’s media development and production teams have been converting lessons from Adobe Flash to HTML5/MP4 for the past 19 months. As of the beginning of February, more than 120 lessons have been converted and 25 multimedia lessons have been retired while keeping the print versions available. You’ll notice these when you try to begin the lesson. You’ll see a pop-up notice that will take you to the print version.  Two of the most difficult-to-convert lessons, Skew-T Mastery and Tephigram Mastery are well on their way to be converted. Skew-T Mastery,...

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Conversion of Adobe Flash lessons on MetEd
Posted on: 2020-11-11

During 2020, COMET has been converting many of our online lessons from Adobe Flash to html5. COMET lessons have a wide range of use and are used by students and professionals alike to learn new skills and techniques in the geosciences field. Many lessons are used by sponsoring agencies in their staff training plans (For example, our S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior course). University faculty also use our lessons for classroom instruction, and weather enthusiasts use our lessons to become National Weather Service certified storm spotters. Adobe announced that they will stop supporting and updating Flash at the end of 2020. With Adobe ceasing their support, COMET lessons that use Flash will no longer function in most browsers and those lessons will cease...

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New from COMET: University Course Support Resource
Posted on: 2020-09-23

The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of a new academic resource, University Course Support.

To support university faculty and students in their increasingly virtual learning, The COMET® Program partnered with NSF to map the vast catalog of MetEd content to U.S. university meteorology course curricula. Each included course is composed of the most common topical components at the undergraduate level.  MetEd lessons appearing within each course subtopic contain some material that is both topically-relevant...

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Which produces better learning outcomes: classroom instruction or e-learning?
Posted on: 2020-03-27

This is a question that I encounter often in my work as an Instructional Designer for the COMET Program, especially now as the coronavirus pandemic has forced many institutions to move to online delivery of their courses. Based on my current understanding, my answer is - the instructional event that uses effective learning methods. Some of those methods include realistic decision making scenarios, spaced repetitions, real-world contexts, and feedback.

In my experience, the key method that brings them all together was summarized nicely by Michael Allen: “To learn is an action taken by and occurring within the learner. Instructors cannot learn for their learners, and neither can e-learning technology even with all its graphics, animations, effects, audio, interactivity, and so...

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Translation Resource Center
Posted on: 2020-03-20

What is the Translation Resource Center, or TRC?

COMET’s TRC supports the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) community's efforts to expand the availability of training materials through translation. Here you'll find resources to guide and support your translation efforts. The site hosts the Guide to Translation Project Management, which is also available in French and Spanish.

More than Modules
Posted on: 2020-02-25

Did you know that COMET, the program that brings you MetEd, does more than just online courses? We have a whole library of offerings including simulations, animations, videos, translations and more. See how COMET can help your organization or university teach earth system science. The COMET Portfolio

Storm Surge AR
Posted on: 2020-01-13

You’ve heard the news- A hurricane is headed for your city, but will your neighborhood be in jeopardy?  The COMET Program, your trusted resource for weather training and education, is pleased to announce the launch of its first Augmented Reality app. Available through the Apple and Google Play stores, this app will show the potential impacts of hurricane storm surge and inundation as it relates to you. Also included is helpful information about preparations prior to the arrival of a...

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Posted on: 2019-03-07

Please consider a tax deductible donation to MetEd to fund future upgrades to the system and to existing lessons. Your contribution of $10 will help us not only maintain the high quality instruction you expect from MetEd, but will allow us to incorporate new technology in the site. Why wait? Click on the donate button now at the top of this page.

Winter Fundraising Drive
Posted on: 2018-11-27

As you plan your end of the year charitable contributions, please consider a tax deductible donation to MetEd to fund future upgrades to the system and to existing lessons. Your contribution of $10 will help us not only maintain the high quality instruction you expect from MetEd, but will allow us to incorporate new technology in the site. Why wait? Click on the donate button now at the top of this page.

Wildland Fire Resources on MetEd
Posted on: 2018-11-12

The wildfire events affecting California have been devastating. Here’s some information about fire weather and the effects of wind and topography on fire behavior. Available in both English and Spanish, all three of these lessons are appropriate for non-forecasters and provide some basic information about the wind patterns and other influences contributing to wildland fire conditions.

S-290 Unit 7: Wind Systems Downslope winds off the Sierra Nevada are a major contributor to the current California fires. This lesson outlines general and local winds and their processes, including...

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Tsunami Modules in Wake of Indonesia 'Quake
Posted on: 2018-09-28

On September 28, 2018 an earthquake-triggered tsunami impacted parts of Indonesia. The following lessons address the science of tsunamis.

Tsunami Strike, Pacific Edition, is a scenario-based learning experience aimed at the middle school through high school level.

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Hurricane Modules
Posted on: 2018-09-11

September 11, 2018: Hurricane Florence is forecast to have severe consequences for the East Coast of the United States, especially in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Tropical Storm Olivia is threatening Hawaii, Super Typhoon Mangkhut is threatening the Philippines, Taiwan and Hong Kong, and Tropical Storm Isaac will enter the Caribbean Sea. High winds and storm surge are an immediate threat near the landfall location....

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GOES-R Training Resources in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Posted on: 2018-06-27

Need to learn about using the new data and imagery available from GOES-16? COMET has a growing collection of training resources, including materials in Spanish and Portuguese, to help you get started.

Translated materials include short foundational lessons as well as Quick Guides to introduce you to the capabilities of the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) and Geostationary Lightning...

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Have you checked out the Operational Models Encyclopedia on MetEd?
Posted on: 2018-04-25

This web-based resource opens up the “black box” of numerical weather prediction by providing information on how numerical weather prediction (NWP) models work, and specifics about physical parameterizations, dynamics, and data assimilation for both deterministic and probabilistic models.

The Encyclopedia includes detailed information about the models used by the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) and these...

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Have you had your boost?
Posted on: 2018-01-11

The COMET program quietly introduced booster questions on MetEd last year.  Over 1,500 people have subscribed for booster questions so far and we’d like to see more people benefitting from them.

What are booster questions? They are questions that you receive in the days, weeks, and months after completing an online module.  Answering these questions increases the amount of information that you can remember from an online module.

Today’s world bombards us with information. The...

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MetEd lessons are multi-lingual!
Posted on: 2016-12-01

MetEd has always had a strong Spanish presence with a Spanish version of the site and over 130 lessons available in Spanish. But we also have:

Get Weather-Ready with MetEd
Posted on: 2016-05-20

WRN logo
As a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™, The COMET® Program is committed to helping improve the nation’s readiness for extreme weather and other hazardous events. The MetEd website hosts a suite of free, informative materials related to natural hazards preparedness, including desktop exercises for emergency managers and fun interactives to engage families in packing an emergency preparedness kit and working on a safety plan.


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Geospatial: A new topic area on MetEd
Posted on: 2015-10-29

datums resource
Data with a geographic component, geospatial data, is integral to hydrology, meteorology, and many other scientific fields. COMET has been addressing geospatial related topics for several years through our publications on hydrography (see our distance learning course, Elements of Hydrography), navigation (see the lesson, Principles of Celestial Navigation), and...

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GOES-R Satellites Orientation Course
Posted on: 2015-03-20

goes-r course thumbnail      

The next generation of NOAA Geostationary Weather satellites will launch in March of 2016. Now that we are within the one year launch window for GOES-R, there is no time like the present to learn more about the exciting advancements that will soon become available to many in the western hemisphere. Start your learning with our, GOES-R...

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Winter is here in the northern hemisphere
Posted on: 2014-10-22

 winter weather course thumbnail

Winter is coming to the northern hemisphere and MetEd has a great collection of lessons in a self-paced course to help you hone your winter weather forecasting skills. Our Winter Weather Distance Learning Course addresses some of the key challenges to winter weather forecasting, including: microphysics, precipitation type, precipitation amount, and applications of NWP ensembles. Visit the course page and hit the Enroll button to get started....

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Preparedness Materials on MetEd
Posted on: 2014-09-16

 Preparedness Thumbnails

September is National Preparedness Month and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has information about hazards and how your family, workplace, or community can prepare. A recent poll found that many U.S. households are unprepared for a disaster, with 40% of parents not having an emergency plan and 35% not having even a minimal two-day...

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COMET is a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador
Posted on: 2014-06-05

Earlier this year, COMET was approached by NOAA to help connect the public with the Weather-Ready Nation initiative. As a 20+ year training partner with NOAA's National Weather Service, we have a long history of improving the nation's readiness and responsiveness to extreme weather events. Read more about the Weather-ready initiative here.

Flash Flood Webinar Series: Sign up for our 2nd offering
Posted on: 2014-04-10

Matt Kelsch

Matt Kelsch, COMET staff meteorologist, emptying a rain gauge during September 2013's epic flooding event in Boulder, CO.

Join the COMET Program of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) for our next round of "pay-as-you-go" webinar series. The topic is flash flooding and the webinars will be offered on May 21-22, 2014. Led by flood expert Matt Kelsch, this series is designed to increase your knowledge and interest about these dangerous and fascinating natural phenomena. The two webinars will look...

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Flash Flood Webinar Series: Sign up now!
Posted on: 2014-02-22

Matt Kelsch

Matt Kelsch, COMET staff meteorologist, emptying a rain gauge during September 2013's epic flooding event in Boulder, CO.

Join the COMET Program of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) for our first "pay-as-you-go" webinar series. The topic is flash flooding and the webinars will be offered on March 19-20, 2014. Led by flood expert Matt Kelsch, this series is designed to increase your knowledge and interest about these dangerous and fascinating natural phenomena. The two webinars will look at different aspects of...

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Share MetEd!
Posted on: 2013-11-22

We recently added a sharing tool to MetEd:

Share MetEd Each lesson description page now includes a sharing toolbar with quick access to all the big (and small) social networking and webmail sites. So start pointing your friends and co-workers to your favorite MetEd lessons!


MetEd's user community keeps on growing!
Posted on: 2013-10-02

On Saturday, September 28, the 300,000th user registered on MetEd. Wow! We never thought we'd have that many folks signed up when our sponsors first asked us to put a registration system in place in 2007.

Over in our Facebook Group, we're just about to pass the 2000 member mark. If you're on Facebook and haven't checked out our group, take a look and join. There are people from around the world sharing weather events and personal insights on forecasting. It's become a lively place with frequent postings. We also post to the group whenever we publish new content on MetEd so it's a great way to keep up to date with our ever growing library of content.


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Donate to Support MetEd
Posted on: 2013-04-03

You can now donate to support MetEd! Your contribution will help maintain MetEd as an international resource used by hundreds of thousands of registered users and allow us to maintain 24-hour, 7-days a week availability.

With more than 700 hours of instructional content and user-friendly features to track quizzes and course enrollment, MetEd has become a great resource for over 275,000 registered users. If you've used MetEd, you know that it contains only high quality content for learning more about operational meteorology, hydrology, climate change, and other areas of study in the geosciences.

Please consider donating to support this awesome resource! Any amount donated is appreciated. If you are a regular user of MetEd, you might consider donating $10 on a monthly...

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Module Ratings and Reviews
Posted on: 2012-09-12

We just added a rating and review feature to our module description pages. And we're excited to hear more from you!

We're hoping you'll share your thoughts about our modules with us and the MetEd community.

We've always had surveys associated with our modules, and we do get a fair number of those every day. They provide us with valuable insight on how our modules are meeting your needs and how we can make them better. And now we think it is prime time for some of those insights to be shared with the rest of the folks using MetEd. So let your voice be heard and post your reviews whenever you finish a module.

The review and rating system...

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Rapid Refresh (RAP) replaces RUC model
Posted on: 2012-05-08

The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction implemented a replacement to the Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) model now called the Rapid Refresh (RAP) on May 1, 2012. View the short training video on the most important operational impacts to the forecaster below or on our Operational Models Matrix site.

For access to dozens of numerical modeling modules, visit our Numerical Modeling (NWP) topic page.

New Satellite Course: Multispectral Satellite Application Topics
Posted on: 2012-02-22

This self-paced distance learning course provides forecasters, students, researchers, and other interested learners with a foundation in the products and applications from multispectral satellite observations and various methodologies used to derive multispectral image products. Check it out here.

Media Galleries and Updated Media Search
Posted on: 2012-02-07

We've updated our module description pages to include a project's media elements. Check out your favorite module's description page and look for the Media Gallery tab, like our recent publication, Space Weather Basics, 2nd Edition. Click the "More details..." link below a thumbnail to get, well, more details! Some of our older modules will be missing the Media Gallery feature as their media elements are not in our database.

We've also updated the search results tab, Images and Media Results. Use the search tool near the top of many of MetEd's pages to search for your favorite meteorological topic and check...

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Highlights of the NAM-B model update
Posted on: 2011-10-19

The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction implemented a significant update to the North American Mesoscale (NAM) model (the NAM-B) on 12 UTC 18 October 2011. See the short training video on the three most important operational impacts to the forecaster on our Operational Models Matrix site. For access to dozens of numerical modelling modules, visit our Numerical Modeling (NWP) topic page.

Volcanic Ash Course Added
Posted on: 2011-10-10

With the recent publication of the fourth module in the Volcanic Ash series, Volcanic Ash: Observation Tools and Dispersion Models, we've put together a new distance learning course: Volcanic Ash: Science, Impacts and Forecasting Course. The focus of this series of modules is to provide the operational meteorologist with a thorough understanding of the cause and characteristics of volcanic eruptions, detecting volcanic ash, forecasting plume movement, and assessing societal impacts. For our NOAA users, this course is also represented in the Commerce Learning Center @ National Weather Service as a development plan.

SKWARN Spotter Course Added
Posted on: 2011-09-02

We just opened a new distance learning course, SKYWARN® Spotter Training. This course covers the basics of being a SKYWARN Spotter. The goal of the course is to provide baseline training for all spotters through multiple modules covering the procedures for spotting (including communication and spotter report criteria) and safety considerations for all hazards. You can choose to register as a SKYWARN Spotter with the National Weather Service (NWS) by using the checkbox that appears after you Enroll in the course. If you check the box, you will be able to register with the NWS after passing the course.

Introduction to Meteorology Resources
Posted on: 2011-08-23

We just added a huge collection of links to online resources matched up to a generic, college-level Introduction to Meteorology course ( Take a look and let us know what you think!

Search for Modules and Media on MetEd
Posted on: 2011-07-01

Have you done a search on MetEd recently? Our search provides 3 tabs of results:

  1. Module Title Results are linked to our database that describes our modules.
    The results are based on a search of a modules title, description, and key words.
  2. Site-wide Content Results are based on a custom Google search
    that crawls through all of our modules and returns every reference to the search term.
  3. Images and Media Results are also linked to our database of most of the media created for our modules.
    The results are based on a search of a media objects file name, description, and labels.  There are over 15,000 records in our media database. That's a lot of media! Note that due to copyrights, you must...

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Welcome to Our New Home!
Posted on: 2011-03-11

We've done a spring cleaning and our site has a fresh new look and feel.

We hope you find the new layout and functionality of the site useful. It's a major change from the previous site. Not to worry though, existing accounts are all still here and our modules still work the way they always have.

Here's a list of just some of the key changes we've made:

  • Gave the site a whole new look
  • Reduced the amount of content on the front page
  • Consolidated our topic areas under the "Education and Training" tab
  • Added a 'MyMetEd' page with your quiz results, access to certificates, a personal module queue, and course enrollment management
  • Made it easier to share quiz results using a "Share Score" button next to your quiz results
  • Added...

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MetEd en español: is it for you?
Posted on: 2011-02-01

If your science teaching touches on climate, meteorology, hydrology and other related fields, and you work with a Spanish-speaking learners, MetEd en español may be quite a resource for you. Even if you don't, take a look at our Glossary page: there you will find links to terminology resources in English and in Spanish, including COMET's own bilingual glossary. Why would you find this glossary useful if you do not speak Spanish? Because, it contains hundreds of acronyms, researched and spelled out, sometimes with an indication of common incorrect uses.