Donate to Support MetEd
Posted on: 2013-04-03

You can now donate to support MetEd! Your contribution will help maintain MetEd as an international resource used by hundreds of thousands of registered users and allow us to maintain 24-hour, 7-days a week availability.

With more than 700 hours of instructional content and user-friendly features to track quizzes and course enrollment, MetEd has become a great resource for over 275,000 registered users. If you've used MetEd, you know that it contains only high quality content for learning more about operational meteorology, hydrology, climate change, and other areas of study in the geosciences.

Please consider donating to support this awesome resource! Any amount donated is appreciated. If you are a regular user of MetEd, you might consider donating $10 on a monthly basis. Or consider making an initial donation of $50. All donations made by U.S. tax payers are tax deductible.

Donate Now!