New from COMET: University Course Support Resource
Posted on: 2020-09-23

The COMET Program is pleased to announce the publication of a new academic resource, University Course Support.

To support university faculty and students in their increasingly virtual learning, The COMET® Program partnered with NSF to map the vast catalog of MetEd content to U.S. university meteorology course curricula. Each included course is composed of the most common topical components at the undergraduate level.  MetEd lessons appearing within each course subtopic contain some material that is both topically-relevant and academic-level appropriate.  The Description & Location listing describes the related lesson concepts and in which section(s) of each lesson they can be found. Currently available courses include, Introduction to Meteorology, Thermodynamic Meteorology, and Dynamic MeteorologyComplementary course imagery collections and additional university course mappings, including synoptic meteorology and more, will become available throughout the 2020-2021 academic year.