Analyzing Jet Stream Circulations

Next Steps: Lab Activity

Now that we've done a few examples, we can proceed to the laboratory activity in which we'll investigate a few cases containing cross sections through jet streaks. In this manner we'll be able to see common themes and variations that depend on curvature and streak strength.

There are 3 cases below, along with a question set to answer for each. The imagery is zipped and will download upon clicking the link.

Each case imagery folder contains four cross-sections through a jet streak and one plan view map showing cross-section locations (labeled with the station identifiers endpoints). All cross-sections contain these identifiers in the filename. All imagery is from NOAA.

Consult your instructor to determine which cases you will be examining.

Questions for Each Case

  1. Looking at the plan view of heights, isotachs and ageostrophic vectors at 300 mb, where is convergence of ageostrophic vectors located? Divergence? You can use states or other geographic features/landmarks to describe the position.
  2. Are the cross sections from the entrance region of the jet streak consistent with the conceptual model of ageostrophic flow in that area? Briefly describe the circulation you see in terms of strength and direction.
  3. How does the ageostrophic circulation change from the first cross-section to the second within the entrance region? Explain in terms of direction and/or magnitude of ageostrophic flow.
  4. Are the cross sections from the exit region of the jet streak consistent with the conceptual model of ageostrophic flow in that area? Briefly describe the circulation you see in terms of strength and direction.
  5. How does the ageostrophic circulation change from the first cross-section to the second within the exit region? Explain in terms of direction and/or magnitude of ageostrophic flow.


Lackmann, Gary. 2011: Midlatitude Synoptic Meteorology. Boston: American Meteorological Society.

Martin, Jonathan E. 2006: Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics, A First Course. West Sussex: Wiley.